
There is nothing stagnant about the property industry and Private Property will keep you in the loop through its dedicated Property News portal. Important elements such as whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ market, industry trends, and property news specific to South Africa are covered in this section.

Property Advice

Understanding the Interest Rate

Find out what you need to know about the interest rate.


For the latest trends on the UK market - prices and rentals - June 09

I keep an extensive blog which keeps people up to date with the latest trends in the UK. Today I uploaded articles from Nationwide with all the property indices for June and also the Rental ...


Survey suggests Aus property upswing looms

Australian Property Investor Magazine Posted on Tuesday, July 07 2009 at 9:00 AM Property professionals and investors believe Australia is approaching the next upswing in its property cycle, according to a survey conducted by ...


Want to understand what is happening in the UK? This is the best research on the UK property market....

Scott Picken, CEO of IPS shares some valuable insights into the UK market. "If you want to know what is happening in the UK property market, the Financial Times Property Index is the best way understand the trends. There are many ...


Survey finds Australia number one for property investment

Australia has been placed at number one in a list of the best countries in the world for property investment. A new international survey has found Australian property investment the best in the world. China and Japan also held ...

Property Advice

Answers to the Ultimate Question - When to Buy?

The fact that I am writing this blog and you are engaged in reading it shows that we are still infatuated by property and real estate investment. You may think of it as an affliction, but it is in our nature to look for ...

Property Advice

2010: To let or not to let?

Featherbrook, a fancy gated estate in Gauteng, has been in the news recently as residents line up to lease out their mansions for the Fifa Soccer World cup next year. 


ABSA Housing Review - 2nd Qtr 2009

The South African economy contracted at a real annualised rate of 1,8% in the fourth quarter of 2008, while data on various short-term economic indicators released in the first few months of 2009 indicate that the economy is most ...


Should We Buy Now?

We can now say with certainty that we’re beginning a downward movement in the rate cycle. Although this leaves the economy with room to manoeuvre, with regard to the economic slowdown, it means ...

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