
There is nothing stagnant about the property industry and Private Property will keep you in the loop through its dedicated Property News portal. Important elements such as whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ market, industry trends, and property news specific to South Africa are covered in this section.

Property Advice

Is it really worth it?

Are homeowners’ expectations too high when it comes to selling their homes, or are agents overpricing in order to get the listing and, hopefully, a higher commission?

Property Advice

Property demand high in Wilgers and surrounds

Activity in the property market in Wilgers and surrounding areas in Pretoria has picked up dramatically.

Property Advice

Mokopane property rentals white hot

Strong rental demand among mine contractors in Mokopane (formerly Potgietersrus) is underpinning the property market in this Limpopo town.


UK House prices in February rose by 1.9%

- House prices in February rose by 1.9% Page 4 The average price of all residential property transactions completed in England & Wales in February 2010 was 1.9% higher than in January. This is the tenth month in succession in ...


To V or not to V – that is the question

February was a bumper month for property prices as a result of increasing confidence in the economy. According to the latest ABSA house price index, house prices lower range (sizes of between



"On Saturday 27 March, a record 126 countries and territories, over 4 000 cities, towns and municipalities and hundreds of millions of people across the globe took a stand for climate action by switching off their lights during ...


Easter bunny brings surprise rate decrease

Thanks Gill for the early Easter gifts, a 0.5% rate reduction will put an extra spring in the step of the economy.

Property Advice

Decrease in interest rate good for real estate

While it is anticipated that interest rates will increase in early 2011, the fact that the Reserve Bank announced a 50 basis point cut in the interest rate from 10,5% to 10% bodes well.


Are the banks to blame for the property crisis?

The property market has recently started to show signs of improvement. The 4th quarter FNB Property Barometer shows that the average time on the market has decreased to just over 13 weeks compared to a high of 16 weeks in the 3rd ...

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