
There is nothing stagnant about the property industry and Private Property will keep you in the loop through its dedicated Property News portal. Important elements such as whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ market, industry trends, and property news specific to South Africa are covered in this section.


Conventional Mortgage Rate vs. Jibar Rate

CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE RATE VERSUS JIBAR RATE Historically, the majority of home loan finance in South Africa has been provided by the major 4 retail banks, but over the past few years new ...

Property Advice

The difference between fixed and variable mortgage rates

The Senior Property Economist of the Absa Group looks at the advantages and disadvantages of fixed versus variable interest rates.


Changing Trends in Residential Living

Jacques du Toit, Senior Property Economist of the Absa Group looks at the factors influencing residential living trends and their impact in driving changes in the residential property market ...

Property Advice

Home Loan Talk – Sectional Title vs Cluster Ownership

There is much confusion surrounding sectional title ownership and cluster ownership. Although they look the same, it is important to understand the difference between the two types of ownership.


Affordability of Housing

A generally accepted method to determine how the affordability of housing has changed over time is to calculate the ratio of house prices to household income. During the past few years ...


House Price Trends at Home and Abroad

Over the past few years, residential property prices have surged to record highs in many countries around the globe, albeit not in Japan and Germany. Real price growth of more than 50% in ...

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