
There is nothing stagnant about the property industry and Private Property will keep you in the loop through its dedicated Property News portal. Important elements such as whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ market, industry trends, and property news specific to South Africa are covered in this section.

Property Advice

Improved business confidence shows the way forward

According to the latest Business Confidence Index (BCI) survey by Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) and the Bureau for Economic Research (BER) released in early September..


Buy To Let - Talking Down a Storm

So have you wondered why most of the market sells when it should be buying and buys when it should be selling, or perhaps does neither, waiting for a bolt of lightning or some other sign to act? ...

Property Advice

Demand for higher priced property in Centurion rises

The residential property market in parts of Centurion is getting a welcome fillip from greater demand for more expensive homes.


After the final whistle..

What happens to the South African property market once the soccer World Cup is over?

Property Advice

Developers can look forward to stream of new buyers

Developers should be jumping for joy at the prospect of thousands of new homebuyers recently “liberated” into the market by the introduction of a State mortgage guarantee fund.



“Supply always comes on the heels of demand” – Robert Collier. I am sure Robert Collier would agree that the opposite is also true. By “reducing supply will eventually increase demand” as too much money chases too few goods. ...

Property Advice

Distressed Properties Keep House Price Escalation Down

According to South Africa’s leading bond originator, Betterbond, the steady rise in mortgage loans granted since December last year indicates that property purchasers are still taking advantage of the buyer’s market which is ...

Property Advice

Choosy buyers target Pretoria's eastern suburbs

Demand for residential units in upmarket suburbs to the east of Pretoria is growing.

Property Advice

Global real estate prospects better

There are still challenges, but the US economy and property market are definitely in a “better place” than they were a year ago, and that bodes well for real estate elsewhere in the world.

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