Articles related to "Property Practitioners Bill"

1 - 6 of 6 results

What are your property rights after marriage?

Marriage alters how you manage your affairs, including finances and property ownership. So what are your rights after being married?
Property Advice
Sarah-Jane Meyer
07 Mar 2022

Is the voetstoots clause still applicable?

This clause in the Offer to Purchase doesn’t relieve sellers of the obligation to disclose defects.
Property Advice
Sarah-Jane Meyer
10 Nov 2021

National Wills Week 2021: If you own property, make sure your will is in order

A will is an important document which assists in handling assets in the unfortunate event of death. How should it be done?
Private Property Reporter
15 Sep 2021

Property Practitioners Act

The Property Practitioners Act has been promulgated, but the commencement date is yet to be decided.
Sarah-Jane Meyer
13 Sep 2021

Housing scheme rules must also follow the Constitution

Housing developments and schemes are guided by the law. How best can these laws and rules be followed?
Property Advice
Private Property Reporter
06 Apr 2021

Property Practitioners Act impacts on home owners

Although the Property Practitioners Act (PPA) is largely directed at improving the property industry players, home owners should be aware of its impacts.
Kerry Dimmer
05 Dec 2019

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