Articles related to "Area Info"
1 - 10 of 1436 results
Advice for rental agents – how to assess tenants

The vetting process is critical in the process of approving new tenants. How should this be done?
Property Advice
Sarah-Jane Meyer
20 Aug 2021
Need to get food to your family in KZN? Drop off at Seeff Properties Edenvale

Seeff Properties has stepped in to ease the transportation of food parcels into KZN. Where is this being done?
Seeff Properties
16 Jul 2021
REBOSA guidance on real estate operations under latest restrictions

Real Estate Business Owners of South Africa (REBOSA) has urged agents to follow strict Covid-19 protocols. What type of guidelines have been put in place?
Private Property Reporter
29 Jun 2021
Suburbia is booming, increase in R3m to R4m family house sales

The property market has continued to record increased demand for family houses. What are the factors behind this?
Property Advice
Seeff Properties
31 May 2021
What you need to know about home staging in South Africa

Marketing and selling a home involve key aspects such as advertising and staging. How is it done in South Africa?
Property Advice
Private Property Reporter
03 May 2021
Relocating to a New Town: Should You Rent or Buy?

Relocating comes with a responsibility to secure accommodation. What's the best between buying and renting?
Property Advice
Private Property Reporter
06 Nov 2020
The Proud South African's Guide to living in South Africa's big cities

South African cities offer unique living experiences. What should one be aware of before venturing into the city life?
Property Advice
Private Property Reporter
23 Sep 2020
KZN North Coast: The next big boom area in South Africa

The KZN North Coast is predicted to be the next big boom area in South Africa
01 Jul 2020
Opportunity knocks in Atlantic Seaboard R20M market

With just four sales for this year, the R20 million-plus super luxury Atlantic Seaboard market has fallen to the lowest level in ten years
23 Jun 2020
The average rental costs of South Africa's top cities

How do the rental costs in South Africa’s major cities compare?
Sarah-Jane Meyer
16 Jun 2020