Articles related to "Out and About"
1 - 10 of 655 results
Ways to workout from home

Staying fit and healthy must be part of your resolutions in 2023. This is how you can go about it.
Lifestyle and Decor
10 Jan 2023
Save time and money on an office move

Moving offices can be done in a convenient and cost-effective manner. This is how you should do it.
Property Advice
12 Dec 2022
How to cut moving costs

You can save money and avoid hassles when moving. How should this be done?
Property Advice
Sarah-Jane Meyer
22 Feb 2022
How to move house like a pro for less

Moving homes can be a stressful and expensive process for many. How can you can move like a pro without unnecessary stress?
Property Advice
03 Aug 2021
The etiquette of visiting a Muslim household

Muslim households subscribe to unique spiritual and lifestyle values. Observing etiquette in such homes is paramount.
Lifestyle and Decor
Kerry Dimmer
03 Jun 2021
Family migrations: how do they affect seniors?

Emigration and ‘semigration’ have been a reality for many families in South Africa and beyond. What are the factors behind this and how can families deal with this?
Property Advice
Private Property Reporter
03 May 2021
Entertaining at home – tips for happy house guests

Hosting guests at home and entertaining them requires preparation and considering key factors.
Lifestyle and Decor
Private Property Reporter
16 Apr 2021
Home security tips for single women

Single women are often easy targets by criminals in various neighbourhoods. How can women improve their security?
Property Advice
Private Property Reporter
07 Aug 2020
Living In Hermanus

The Hermanus lifestyle can be summarised in simple terms: you want to live in Hermanus. Here’s why your next home should be there.
Lifestyle and Decor
Cath Jenkin
23 Mar 2020
Magnificent Mossel Bay

Private Property gives you a good idea of what to expect when you live in the Mossel Bay area.
Lifestyle and Decor
Cath Jenkin
10 Feb 2020