Articles related to "Municipalities"
1 - 10 of 49 results
Implications of new rates and utilities tariffs for the property market

Above-inflation increases in municipal rates and utilities tariffs may prove to be a challenge for property owners and tenants.
Property Advice
Sarah-Jane Meyer
04 Apr 2023
Ultimate guide to moving with Cats

Cats naturally become part of the family set up in many households. When it comes to moving, how can you make it a good experience for them?
Lifestyle and Decor
Private Property Reporter
07 Sep 2021
Check out the neighbours before you buy

Neighbours are a big factor when buying or renting a property. What should you look out for in this regard?
Property Advice
10 Aug 2021
Rapidly escalating municipal charges does not bode well for SA’s economic recovery

Municipal services are paid for by property owners. How will double digit escalations in municipal usage charges affect the economy?
Property Advice
Michelle Dickens
21 Jun 2021
How the SPLUMA Act will affect property sellers

What is the SPLUMA (Spatial Planning and Land Use Management) Act and how will it affect you?
19 Feb 2020
Mossel Bay comes out on top

Now that Mossel Bay has been ranked as the No 1 municipality in SA, what does this mean for the property market?
14 May 2019
Do provincial election outcomes affect property market?

Two property consultants confirm that it is not provincial elections that cause semigration, rather it is the performance of individual municipalities.
Kerry Dimmer
24 Apr 2019
Why inflation impacts on your property wealth

The residential property market has not beaten inflation in 11 years. Magnus Heystek explains the reasons for this and offers valuable advice.
Kerry Dimmer
17 Apr 2019
Why you want your municipality to be financially independent

Municipalities are going to need to be creative if they want to sustain through tough economic conditions exacerbated by income losses from load-shedding, and increases in power costs from Eskom.
Kerry Dimmer
04 Apr 2019
Off-grid becomes more difficult for Cape Town home owners

City by-laws effectively remove the option of being off-grid and may also prove costly to the many home-owners who have installed alternative energy systems that may prove to be non-compliant
31 Oct 2018