Articles related to "Kids"

1 - 10 of 49 results

How to transition from empty nest to full again

The looming economic crunch in the wake of the Covid19 crisis will no doubt see many adult children, some with families of their own, moving back in with their parents.
Lifestyle and Decor
06 Apr 2020

6 ways to keep entertained at home

For some, being unexpectedly stuck at home is a dream come true. For others, it might be a little more tricky finding ways to entertain yourself and others when you’re used to being at your desk.
Lifestyle and Decor
Veronica Logan
18 Mar 2020

Why you should teach yours kids about money

Give your kids a head start by setting them up to manage their money effectively and get onto the property ladder.
Property Advice
Sarah-Jane Meyer
17 Feb 2020

Creative children’s spaces for the new age of cocooning

More people opting to stay home rather than go out for their entertainment, but in order to achieve a balance for young minds, parents need to be a little creative.
Lifestyle and Decor
21 Jan 2020

Planning the ultimate staycation

Staycations – staying home or “vacationing locally” rather than leaving town in search of good times elsewhere – are fast becoming a popular alternative to traditional holidays.
Lifestyle and Decor
Veronica Logan
12 Nov 2019

Fun household projects to do with your kids

As is the case with most working parents, finding family time as well as time for home DIY projects is incredibly tricky and often difficult to find, if at all.
Lifestyle and Decor
Veronica Logan
06 Aug 2019

How to find a family-friendly suburb

When looking for a home for your family, take note of these 3 important features of a kid-friendly suburb.
Property Advice
05 Aug 2019

How school holidays affect the property market

The school mid-year break is upon, but what does this mean for the property market?
Property Advice
18 Jun 2019

A special Father's Day at home

With the cost of living rising, spending Father's Day at home can be a fun, affordable option for the family.
Lifestyle and Decor
13 Jun 2019

Tips for designing your first nursery

Preparing for the birth of a child can be both an exciting and daunting experience for any parent. There are so many things to consider and plan for, but few are as important as the nursery!
Lifestyle and Decor
Veronica Logan
11 Jun 2019

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