Articles related to "EAAB"

11 - 20 of 36 results

Make sure you employ the right rental agent

How to find a good rental agent, to take the stress out of managing your investment property.
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
09 Nov 2016

How to choose your agent

If you're new to selling real estate, the task can seem intimidating and even a bit overwhelming - but luckily you don’t have to tackle it alone.
Property Advice
28 Sep 2016

Have your say: Is SA’s real estate industry racist?

Given the recent spate of racism and discrimination that surfaced in South Africa,
Private Property Reporter
06 Apr 2016

The role of the Estate Agency Affairs Board in property disputes

What is the EAAB, and how does it apply to disputes over property?
Property Advice
Property Power
18 Sep 2015

Estate agents must ensure audits are submitted on time

It is the time of the year when many companies have just had their financial year end, and estate agents must keep in mind that their full audits must be submitted within four months of their ...
Agent Advice
Tahir Desai
01 Apr 2015

The Importance of Finding the Right Agent

We have all undoubtedly heard that estate agents are basically out to fleece both buyers and sellers and that they earn far too much money for doing very little. Fortunately, while there may be those who don't practice according ...
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
12 Feb 2015

Home inspection industry in for a shake-up?

Cowboy home inspectors watch out! A new bill will seek to define and regulate their role in the property industry. The Estate Agents Affairs Board (EAAB) recently announced that the Property Practitioner’s Bill is being ...
Jacqueline Gray
05 Feb 2015

Choosing an estate agent

Looking for an estate agent to help you sell your home? Here’s some advice you’ll want - because your choice of agent can make all the difference. Looking for an estate agent to help you sell your home? Here’s some advice ...
Property Advice
Martin Hatchuel
05 Feb 2015

Important Announcement – EAAB deadline

The deadline is fast approaching for all those agents who had an FFC as at the 15th July, 2008. Many agents have not done anything about achieving the NQF qualification either level 4 or level 5. If ...
Agent Advice
Tahir Desai
28 Jan 2015

Your deed of sale and the deposit

With every property transaction, there are certain steps which need to be followed. One of these steps pertains to the deed of sale.
Property Advice
Jacqueline Gray
18 Dec 2014

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