Articles related to "Property Pricing"
21 - 30 of 340 results
Swinging into a seller’s market

The property market has remained resilient under very difficult circumstances. Whats prevailing in the seller’s segment market?
Property Advice
20 Jul 2021
How to make better offers - and avoid bidding wars

Property acquisitions are often clinched or lost at the bidding stage. How can a better offers be prepared and made?
Property Advice
Private Property Reporter
05 Jul 2021
The youth are driving new trends in the property market

The youth have become major drivers of property trends and demand. What are the motivating factors?
Property Advice
Kerry Dimmer
15 Jun 2021
Dispelling eight key myths around buying and selling property on auction

The property market is often a subject of a number of misconceptions which have prevented home buyers from embracing some attractive and highly beneficial opportunities.
Property Advice
Pam Golding
10 May 2021
Why sales fall through before transfer

The transfer of property from a buyer to a seller can be delayed or brought to a halt if certain conditions are not met.
Property Advice
03 May 2021
Where to shop for real estate bargains

It is possible to buy real estate at bargain prices. Where can this be done around the property market?
Property Advice
29 Apr 2021
Residential rentals require tough tenant administration

The rental property market in South Africa has continued to fluctuate with affordability and legal guidelines playing a role.
Property Advice
Private Property Reporter
28 Apr 2021
The latest Rode’s Report on the South African property market

Keeping agents up to date on the real estate industry - from listed funds to office, industrial, retail and residential property.
Property Advice
Sarah-Jane Meyer
26 Apr 2021
Price right, sell fast and cut your holding costs

Selling your property in the shortest possible time will save you costs. What are the implications of delaying?
Property Advice
19 Apr 2021
Pandemic has created the perfect time to invest

Covid-19 pandemic has led to increased opportunities in the property market. Which ones are worth considering?
Property Advice
08 Apr 2021