Articles related to "Evictions"

21 - 30 of 44 results

Turning to social media for property advice is a BAD idea

Taking legal advice on property matters from someone on social media could end up costing you a heap of money if you act on the wrong advice.
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
12 Jan 2017

The ins and outs of renting out an investment property

Tips for new landlords including whether to furnish the property, finding a great tenant and getting rid of a not so great tenant.
Property Advice
Private Property Reporter
11 Jul 2016

Your rights and obligations as a property owner or tenant

Find out about the responsibilities that both a property owner and a tenant have, when it comes to renting.
Property Advice
Property Power
24 Nov 2015

Follow the rules when dealing with a bad tenant

It is often said that the landlord renting out residential property should never go the DIY route in selecting and managing his tenants.  This, says Jacqui Savage, the Rawson Property Group ...
Property Advice
Tahir Desai
06 May 2015

Dealing with an uncooperative tenant

For those landlords who rent out residential property and manage it themselves, here are some guideline sin dealing with uncooperative tenants.
Property Advice
30 Apr 2015

Insist on a non-variation clause

Leave nothing to chance by insisting on inserting a non-variation clause in all your property contracts. Although it has been stated time and again that any changes to a contractual agreement should be reduced to writing, it ...
Property Advice
Jacqueline Gray
19 Feb 2015

Evictions - acting illegally can backfire

A developer's plans to build up-market houses on a 6000m2 piece of land in Fairlands in Johannesburg has backfired, thanks to a High Court judgement which has found that the elderly couple who have lived in a house on the ...
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
22 Jan 2015

Beware the existing tenant

Buyers who purchase a property that houses a tenant need to understand that the lease agreement that the previous owner has in place will remain in place until that lease expires - even if the ...
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
15 Jan 2015

Only an attorney can evict

Social media makes us all well aware of the problems others are facing – and some of those stories are heartbreaking. Desperate pleas for alternate accommodation for those who are being evicted from their homes have become ...
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
11 Dec 2014

Overcrowded pools – and other lease disagreements

There’s many a time when I’ve wanted to get out of something. A recent instance is the body corporate committee that someone volunteered me to join. The unit was intended to be merely an investment, but as an owner, although we ...
Property Advice
The Roosting Venus
11 Sep 2014

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