Lifestyle and Decor

How to create the perfect man cave

Private Property South Africa
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How to create the perfect man cave

A man cave is a special part of the house where a man can get away from it all and indulge in his interests. Here’s how to create yours.

As a man, our DNA sometimes tells us to get a Harley or flashy sports car but if you are married and have kids or live with your parents or lack the cash to finance the dreams of your DNA, you can’t do that – this leads to the creation of a man cave.

Think about it - Batman had the Bat Cave. Superman, the Fortress of Solitude and Elvis had Graceland – point is, every man needs his own “cave”.

We sat down with Jacques van Embden, MD of urban property development company, Blok, to chat about what he thought was the “perfect” man cave and how you could design your own.

“A man cave fulfils a very personal function in a man's home, so the “perfect” man cave is entirely subjective. For the Blok Man, I would say form and function would be of equal importance; I want my man cave to be filled with the things that make me happy: a high-res, large-screen TV, quality whisky collection and collectibles, but I also want it to look modern and clean and well-designed. O and don’t forget…a bar,” says van Embden.

However, before you start shopping up a storm for your “Fortress of Solitude” or “Batcave” (another benefit of having a man cave – YOU get to name it) you need to consider a few things first.

Van Embden says, “Storage to keep all the necessary man-accessories neat and tidy. These would include cigars, cutters and butane lighters, chargers, additional gaming controllers, architectural magazines and music. Then a comfortable chair is a must, as are all of the bar accessories (let's be honest - not much happens in a man cave without a drink in hand); beautiful glass or crystal whisky tumblers, bottle openers, beer mugs, etc.”

But, as mentioned higher up, sometimes ones finances don’t always allow us the opportunity to go all out. Van Embden advises, “Don't budge on quality, rather take longer to build your perfect man cave with the right equipment than build it quickly with lower quality items. A good man cave should last a lifetime, so make sure you choose long-lasting, high-quality items than go for cheaper options to get it built faster.”

Besides budget, there are times when space can play a role when it comes to designing your “perfect” man cave. “Storage is key," says van Embden. “We are now building apartments with dual-function storage everywhere - from kitchen units that are also hidden cupboards, to beds that fold away to make counters or more floor space. A smaller man cave should make use of the same techniques to maximise space while not compromising on quality and experience.”

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