Agent Advice

6 strategies to get you more property listings

Private Property South Africa
Tahir Desai |
6 strategies to get you more property listings

1. Find out if other agents are involved

If you’re approached by a seller, find out if they’re also speaking to other agents. You don’t need the details of the other agents, just whether you’ve got competition or not. You can then prepare yourself to counter what the seller might hear from other agents and sell the points that make you or your estate agency unique.

2. Study your prospect beforehand

It’s relatively easy to get information about someone in this connected world. Google them or find them on social media to find out as much as you can about them before the meeting. Knowing their profession, their family situation and personality type will allow you to tailor your presentation to them.

3. Make it a 2 way conversation

You don’t want to spend all your time talking about yourself. . Real estate is a relationship business and you want to start cultivating the relationship from the start. Engage the prospect by asking them open-ended questions like “why are you selling” or “what do you love about this house” and listen carefully to their answers. You want to get them talking so that the meeting is more about them than you. The more they talk, the more you learn about them and the better your chances of establishing a relationship with them. Sellers will often make a decision based on them feeling a personal connection with an agent, rather than the agent’s expertise.

4. Discuss the listing price last

Let’s face it, the most important part of the discussion with the seller is how much you can get for their property. If you talk price first and it’s not what they had in mind, they will switch off for the rest of your meeting and won’t hear anything you say about your ability to sell their property. Convince them that you’re the best agent for them first and then discuss the price. If you’ve convinced the seller of your ability and credentials, they’re more likely to accept your valuation of the property.

5. Use reviews and testimonials

Reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients are a great way of giving yourself credibility with the seller. You can talk up your strengths and awesomeness as much as you like, but they’re more likely to be convinced if it’s confirmed by a previous client. Let the seller know if testimonials can be found online or give them a list of past clients that they can contact. Make sure you have the past clients permission first. If they were happy with the service you provided, they’ll be happy to oblige.

6. Follow up

Make sure you follow up on every client meeting. You don’t want to seem pushy by asking “Have you made a decision?” or “Did I get the listing?” You want come across as professional and detail orientated by saying something like, “I know we chatted a lot yesterday, I just wanted to follow up to check if you have any questions about what we discussed?” Many agents don’t take the time to follow up so this is an ideal way to set yourself apart from the competition.

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