Commercial space in Shelly Beach
3 500 m²
Self-Catering Holiday accommodation with direct access to the beach. This self catering holiday complex has 4 out of 5 star client reviews. There are 9 self catering houses (1 x 14 Sleeper, 1 x 7 Sleeper, 4 x 5 Sleeper, 2 x 4 Sleeper and 1 x 3 Sleeper). 2 of the houses have incredible sea views and the rest are a couple of metres - up to 30 metres back. There is a beautiful landscaped garden and lit pathways leading. Communal braai area with exceptional sea views. Communal swimming pool. This establishment is as neat as a pin and has friendly staff.
Close proximity to Shelly Centre, South Coast Mall, Shelly Hospital, schools, etc.
The business is sold as a going concern and excludes VAT.
Property details
- Listing number T2134720
- Property type Commercial
- Listing date 21 Sep 2023
- Land size 3 500 m²
- Rates and taxes R 4 500
Property features
- Bedrooms 21
- Bathrooms 17