Tenant Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Rental lease termination
Property Advice

Rental lease termination

Termination of a rental lease agreement is allowed but there are legal steps that should be followed, and implications that need to be understood.

How to avoid property scams
Property Advice

How to avoid property scams

Scams related to property are becoming increasingly more sophisticated, catching buyers, sellers, landlords, and tenants.

Renting from landlord vs using agents
Property Advice

Renting from landlord vs using agents

Read the pros and cons of renting a property directly versus using agents in the South Africa property market. Learn how each approach affects landlords and tenants.

What you need to know about entry and exit inspections
Property Advice

What you need to know about entry and exit inspections

Undertaking entry and exit inspections may be somewhat annoying but when things go wrong, their true value is revealed.

The ‘student tenant’ checklist for landlords
Property Advice

The ‘student tenant’ checklist for landlords

This handy checklist will assist landlords of student properties to better manage their rental relationship and their tenancy.

Landlord vs Tenant: Who is responsible for tenant safety?
Property Advice

Landlord vs Tenant: Who is responsible for tenant safety?

Tenant safety and health comes with varying responsibilities.

When your landlord won’t return your deposit

When your landlord won’t return your deposit

Know your legal rights and how to invoke them if your landlord refuses to give you your deposit back.

Landlord rights for defaulting tenants
Property Advice

Landlord rights for defaulting tenants

Frequently asked questions about tenants and rentals, including non-payment and withholding of rent

Rental deposits: a guide for landlords and tenants
Property Advice

Rental deposits: a guide for landlords and tenants

This guide explains why landlords insist on a deposit and whether they can use it to earn interest.

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