Selling Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Property Advice

Sectional titles - know the rules

Many security-minded South African homeowners have taken to living in sectional title homes due to the certain level of safety that this type of property provides.

Property Advice

Factors that influence a property's value

It only takes a potential buyer a few minutes to make a decision when viewing property. Find out which factors influence a property’s value.

Property Advice

The role of a trustee is not a full time job

There are many articles available regarding the roles of a trustee and almost all of them follow the same advice regarding management of levies, finances and the operations of the scheme ...

Property Advice

Buy or Sell first - Which is better?

When it comes to time to sell, whether to upscale or downscale, there is always the dilemma of whether to buy another property first, subject to selling the current home or to sell the existing one first and then buy elsewhere, ...

Property Advice

Is your asking price market related?

Very often when a homeowner has lived in a property for an extended period of time, it is exceptionally difficult for them to detach themselves emotionally when setting an asking price.

Property Advice

Is your asking price market related?

Very often when a homeowner has lived in a property for an extended period of time, it is exceptionally difficult for them to detach themselves emotionally when setting an asking price.

10 things you can do to make sell your home quickly
Property Advice

10 things you can do to make sell your home quickly

Here are the 10 most important things you can do, to make sure your house gets sold quickly, without having to drop your price.

Property Advice

Tips on selecting the right agent

It goes without saying that if a homeowner decides to sell their property; they want to sell it for best possible price, within the shortest period of time.

Property Advice

A good budget increases chances of getting a bond

Affordability problems when it comes to qualifying for a mortgage bond, is often the reason that finance is declined, but sometimes there are just small mitigating factors that stand in the way at that time, says Michael Bauer, ...

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