Selling Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

“I want my money back!”
Property Advice

“I want my money back!”

Most of think that the deposit we put down when buying a home will be refunded if the sale doesn’t go through. After all, we are not talking about a paltry sum here, we are talking about a large amount of money that is lodged ...

Nothing fishy about sole mandates
Property Advice

Nothing fishy about sole mandates

Generally speaking, when placing a house on the market, a seller will want to “move” it as quickly and profitably as possible. Agent mandates – which vary – play a crucial role in this regard.

Property Advice

Want it? Got it!

Knowledge of the latest trends and economic factors that come into play when selling your home is invaluable. Some sellers prefer to control this fine balancing act and have a preference for selling without a middle man, ...

Timing is everything
Property Advice

Timing is everything

The time taken by property selling, buying and transferring is a variable commodity and depends on a host of individual influencing factors in specific geographical areas. It’s also dictated by ...


They shine up good

The face of the real estate industry has changed dramatically over the past few years. Prior to 2008, the industry was bedevilled by rumours of botched deals and unscrupulous fly-by-night agents ...

Underdogs CAN win
Property Advice

Underdogs CAN win

It’s not such fun being the underdog. I experienced it just the other day when I broke down on the side of the freeway. Suddenly the size and make of my vehicle were immaterial. I stood there in the half-light, knowing that it ...

Property Advice

Post-sale finance

The only certainty in life is change. As we progress through life, our needs and goals evolve and with them, our property requirements.

I refuse to sell your home!
Property Advice

I refuse to sell your home!

An interesting debate took place on Facebook recently: an estate agent posted that he was not willing to deal with a seller who wouldn’t listen to reason and who wouldn’t take his advice on the selling price. The agent argued ...

Mystery of the missing deposit
Property Advice

Mystery of the missing deposit

All good things come to an end. So fortunately do all bad things. And we were rather excited that galpal’s relationship with Lord Awful, her misogynist landlord, was in its twilight days. Not a moment too soon. When one starts ...

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