Home owners

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:


Rate this (shocking) service

Despite numerous assurances that the City of Johannesburg’s billing crisis is over, it appears the situation is far from ideal and that there are still many people who are trying to get their municipal rate issues resolved. In ...

Property Advice

Stand up and be counted

Being a legal-wise property owner is an arduous but necessary business – and even more so when looking at how the law prescribes that voting processes must be applied at sectional title scheme meetings. On average, the passing ...

Property Advice

Even Batman loses sometimes

This is my second attempt at my weekly Private Property feature. You see, I clicked “save”, shut-down and went to bed thinking I would give the future Pulitzer-winning piece a quick read-through in the morning. But it was not ...


Rate your utilities costs

Things are starting to get a little hairy for homeowners in and around the suburbs of South Africa as the increases in municipal rates and utilities really start to bite.

Property Advice

Hiring a managing agent has benefits

While it is not compulsory for trustees in sectional title schemes to appoint a managing agent, and many small schemes do manage to run their scheme effectively without the help of one, it is generally recommended if the scheme ...

Property Advice

Leases can be adjusted to suit needs

Landlords, particularly DIY landlords, tend to use general lease agreements that they have possibly bought from their stationers, but they don’t realise that they can adjust their lease agreements to fit in with their individual ...

Property Advice

Estate living: don’t step outta line!

Most of us have, at some point or another, had a run-in with a body corporate or homeowners’ association. This is perfectly understandable as it’s almost inevitable that people living in close proximity to one another and who ...

Property Advice

Share the love

There’s no mistaking the warm fuzzy feeling that one gets when reminiscing over experiences of neighbourly goodwill.

Property Advice

Be wary of buying in high density sectional title developments

Moderately priced high density sectional title apartments of the kind that have proliferated throughout South Africa have proved to be an excellent investment.

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