Buying Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Property Advice

What is a CMA?

By this stage most of us know that we should ask the agent we employ to supply a comparative marketing analysis (CMA) when selling our homes. But what is a CMA and can it really help to price a property realistically? The short ...

Property Advice

When to invest – and when not to

Investing in property can be a simple matter – and certainly aims to make the purchase process easy. However, investing can be a minefield. Here are some salient tips to safeguard you from making expensive ...

Property Advice

How to get financing in USA property?

Everyone is asking how to finance USA property. Scott Picken, IPS CEO, has just spent another 3 weeks in USA buying USA property and he wants to explain the 5 ways to get finance in USA. Scott also attended a course with Dr Dolf ...

Agent Advice

11 tips for your safety

Reproduced with the kind permission of RealNet Holdings Most of us have heard about a real estate agent who has become a crime statistic. We figure it won’t happen to us. Chances are it won’t. ...

Property Advice

What is the right age to buy property?

Lately there have been a lot of enquiries from young buyers looking to buy their first home. From what age should you be considering buying a home?

Property Advice

Property remains a sound investment

Written by Adrian Goslett, CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa, re-published with the kind permission of Moneyweb Property remains a viable asset class in which to invest and still forms one of the most important investment ...

Property Advice


Buying a place in the sun is a dream held by many. However, judging by a recent report by FNB on the state of holiday homes sales, this dream is going to remain out of the reach of many South Africans for the foreseeable future. ...

Property Advice

Property funds: who is monitoring corporate governance? looks at the "safety measures" imposed by the JSE on property listings.

Property Advice

It pays to save

While many may dream of winning the lottery, the fact is that the large majority of South African consumers probably won’t.

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