Buying Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Paying cash for vs taking out a bond on an investment property
Property Advice

Paying cash for vs taking out a bond on an investment property

If you can afford to pay cash for a property, are there any good reasons why it might be wise to take out a mortgage bond on it?

Property Advice

The 10 most common faults an investment property buyer is likely to find

Home inspectors know that most home defects they are likely to find in a typical house are fairly similar. Knowing about these common home problems can help both the buyer and seller. Here are 10 ...

Property Advice

A bond before the bond

Many of the younger generation buyers are focusing on their careers and in turn getting married later on in life compared to their counterparts within older generations..

Lifestyle and Decor

Home maintenance tips for new homeowners

While purchasing a new home is definitely an exciting time for many first-time buyers, there are a number of new responsibilities that come along with the title.

Understanding real estate sales commission
Property Advice

Understanding real estate sales commission

How real estate commissions work, and how the property market affects it.

Property Advice

Buy-to-let property investors can't be slack with maintenance

In recent months there has been a marked increase in the number of people buying into multiple unit developments - as investments.

Property Advice

Home maintenance tips for new homeowners

While purchasing a new home is definitely an exciting time for many first-time buyers, there are a number of new responsibilities that come along with the title.

Property Advice

10 Things To Think About Before You Start House Hunting

When you decide to start looking for a property, you’ll be overwhelmed by the different property types, locations, prices and conditions. By using this checklist from Kevin Mountjoy, national sales manager atooba, South Africa’s ...

Property Advice

Is your Agent good enough?

The real test of an estate agent's ability and dedication is not so much how he markets and sells a property, but how fully they are involved with the seller, the buyer and the conveyance..

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