Buying Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Property Advice

Hiring a managing agent has benefits

While it is not compulsory for trustees in sectional title schemes to appoint a managing agent, and many small schemes do manage to run their scheme effectively without the help of one, it is generally recommended if the scheme ...


New book guides property investors

Scott Picken, South Africa’s leading global investor, has recently launched his book Property Going Global, in association with Clem Sunter. It’s recognised as the authority on how to invest internationally and create global ...

Property Advice

Increase your chance of having your bond application approved

Publicising the reasons why people most often have their bond applications rejected has helped those who come to Rawson Finance.

Property Advice

Leases can be adjusted to suit needs

Landlords, particularly DIY landlords, tend to use general lease agreements that they have possibly bought from their stationers, but they don’t realise that they can adjust their lease agreements to fit in with their individual ...

Property Advice

Estate living: don’t step outta line!

Most of us have, at some point or another, had a run-in with a body corporate or homeowners’ association. This is perfectly understandable as it’s almost inevitable that people living in close proximity to one another and who ...

Property Advice

The problem with ageing …

It’s no secret that many modern developments lack the space and gracious ambience that most older homes are imbued with.

Property Advice

Buying and selling houses? Know how!

Buyers often don’t consider the potential resale value of the property and this can have big implications further down the road.

Property Advice

CPA escape ain't so easy!

Under the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) tenants can now give landlords 20 days’ notice if they want to vacate the premises before their leases have expired – but this clause doesn't mean an easy escape. Tenants need to ...

Property Advice

Negotiate from a position of power

A history of prompt payment on outstanding debt sums up a good credit record.

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