Buying Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Property Advice

Are the Property Plans Correct?

Although it may not be a legal requirement for sellers to provide a copy of the house plans, it is highly recommended that buyers insert a clause into the sales contract stating that as far as the...

Property Advice

Are the Property Plans Correct?

Although it may not be a legal requirement for sellers to provide a copy of the house plans, it is highly recommended that buyers insert a clause into the sales contract stating that as far as the seller is aware, the property ...

Property Advice

Don’t make the mistakes that buyers did in 2012

Only one in every two buyers in South Africa is likely to realise their dreams of home ownership in 2013. 

Property Advice

Many benefits of sole mandates

The award of sole mandates to an estate agent can lead to accusations of unwarranted favouritism and/or ‘rigging’ of clients’ opinions.

Property Advice

Which is better: direct or indirect investment in property?

If a person is considering investing in property, should he choose between direct investment (owning one or two properties that he physically rents out and manages) or indirect investment (shares in a property loan stock or unit ...

Property Advice

Investment in property needs constant hard work

Investing in property is hard work; needs constant attention and should be treated like a business. Some property investors consider investing in property as part of a syndicate or group of people, but the problem with this sort ...

Property Advice

The property investment call: local or international?

Property remains the key pillar in the investor's armament, offering long-term growth coupled with rental income in the medium-term. The question on whether that investment should be in South African property or globally is one ...

Property Advice

Don’t be Duped By Fake Rental Agents

Imagine that you plan a holiday, find the ideal spot, pay an enormous deposit, pack the car and head for paradise, only to discover after a long car trip that the holiday of a lifetime you booked online is actually a scam and ...

Property Advice

Take advantage of the market

There is no doubt that today’s real estate environment is primed for buyers looking to take advantage of the recovering phase of the market cycle.

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