Property Advice

Exercise your rights as a buyer of property

Private Property South Africa
Cathy Nolan |
Exercise your rights as a buyer of property

As a buyer of property, you have the right to:

  • Be represented by an estate agent or to enter into a private sale should you so choose.

  • Purchase any property without being discriminated against by a seller on the basis of your race, colour, religion, handicap, familial status or nationality.

  • Complete disclosure of all property information, including, but not limited to, electricity and water supply, municipal rates, insulation and hazardous materials.

  • Ask for information pertaining to maintenance costs.

  • Receive a market price comparison analysis for the property on which you wish to make an offer, prior to signing the offer.

  • Receive a copy of the agreement of sale, prior to signing it, to allow you time to have it reviewed by an attorney.

  • Choose the lender that will finance the property and to receive full disclosure from that lender regarding the type and term of the loan and the true cost of the loan.

  • Test and inspect the property’s systems and to choose the persons to complete those tests or inspections.

  • Walk through the property one last time prior to closing to confirm that it meets the conditions of the agreement of sale.

  • Use any insurance company of your choice.

  • Use any bond origination company or attorneys of your choice for raising finance and securing legitimate documentation.

  • Review the settlement statement prior to closing.

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