Property Advice


Private Property South Africa
Justin Clarke |

There is no doubt that in any market, buying the right property for the right price is vital. We are seeing a period where residential properties are being bought at auctions, and from desperate sellers for a fraction of value. Its a feast for those with time and cash to be able to capitalize.

But where do you find a comprehensive list of property that is coming on auction?

Private Property have just done a deal with one of the banks and all up-coming property auctions by the Sheriff of the court will be listed, with full description, photos and the time and date of the auction.

It is important to understand that buying on auction is not for the faint hearted. The buyer buys the property at the fall of the hammer, and is responsible for all outstanding rates and taxes. The buyer also has the problem of getting the existing occupier out of the home, and of course there is no come back on the condition that the property is in.

But in most cases properties can be bought for a substantial discount. See property listed so far but we expect that this list will grow to 1000 before the end of November. Visit [property listed](There is no doubt that in any market, buying the right property for the right price is vital. We are seeing a period where residential properties are being bought at auctions, and from desperate sellers for a fraction of value. Its a feast for those with time and cash to be able to capitalize.

But where do you find a comprehensive list of property that is coming on auction?
Private Property have just done a deal with one of the banks and all up-coming property auctions by the Sheriff of the court will be listed, with a description, photos and the time and date of the auction.(this is depending on our ability to enter the property) It is important to understand that buying on auction is not for the faint hearted. The buyer buys the property at the fall of the hammer, and is responsible for all outstanding rates and taxes. The buyer also has the problem of getting the existing occupier out of the home, and of course there is no come back on the condition that the property is in. But in most cases properties can be bought for a substantial discount. See Visit our Bank Sales Page

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