
PPRA suspends online PDE exam and rolls out physical exams – without penalties

Private Property South Africa
Sarah-Jane Meyer |
PPRA suspends online PDE exam and rolls out physical exams – without penalties

The online PDE exam held on 17 November became a fiasco when the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority’s (PPRA) service provider platform malfunctioned, causing various challenges for candidates.

The system crashed, and many candidates were unable to complete their exams. Many agents complained that they had not received their login links for the exam a few minutes before the start of the session, so they were unable to start. Other agents said the system randomly returned them to the first question when trying to access subsequent questions.

In response, the PPRA has issued an apology to all affected candidates, specifying that online exam services will be suspended until further notice.

The PPRA will roll out physical or venue-based exams nationally to take place on 30 November 2022.

Details of venues will be communicated by no later than 28 November 2022.


While the PPRA is busy addressing contractual and technical issues with its service provider, the board has resolved to take the following steps to cater to the immediate concerns of the affected candidates:

  • Candidates who completed the examination and passed will not be prejudiced and will not be required to rewrite the exam. Instead, they will be awarded their respective designation and will progress to the next status.
  • Candidates who finished the examination but were unable to review their answers and have passed will not be prejudiced and will not be required to rewrite. They will be awarded their respective designation and will progress to the next status.
  • Candidates who completed but failed the examination will be allowed to rewrite at no additional cost.
  • Candidates who wrote the examination and failed will be allowed to rewrite at no additional cost to them.
  • Candidates who were unable to log in and those who were forcibly logged out and were unable to complete the exam will be allowed to rewrite at no additional cost. They will not be financially prejudiced as they will not be penalised or required to pay an additional fee.

Marking in relation to the exam written on 17 November 2022 must be completed, and results will be made available on or before 28 November. This is also the deadline for the PPRA to notify candidates of details about the venues where they will be able to write the physical examination.

For more information, visit

Writer : Sarah-Jane Meyer

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