
How to make your home a sanctuary

Private Property South Africa
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How to make your home a sanctuary

Due to COVID-19, our homes have become a one-stop shop. It’s where we work, teach our kids and virtually interact with friends and family. Although lockdown restrictions have lifted, and things are slowly returning to normal, we are still finding ourselves at home for the majority of the time and this can become overwhelming.

It’s important for our mental and physical well-being that we create a space where we feel relaxed and where home is a place we actually want to be says Mike Greeff, CEO of Greeff Christie’s International Real Estate. This does not have to be a complicated or expensive process and studies have shown that redecorating can have a positive effect on your mood.

The tips below will show you just how to make your home your sanctuary.

Add meaningful touches.

Add pieces of décor to your home that inspire you and make you feel good. For example, a bunch of flowers on your desk can instantly evoke a sense of peace or a framed motivational quote can keep you motivated.

It’s also important to consider your senses. Ask yourself the following questions in order to create a sanctuary that suits your needs.

• What scents do you love?

• What sights help you to feel calm?

• What do you love to feel?

• What sounds help you to feel safe and connected?

• What do you love to taste?

Create a Zen zone.

Creating a specific spot in your home solely for relaxation helps you to prioritise de-stressing at the end of the day. This space can be anywhere and can be anything you want it to be. For example, it could be in a corner of your lounge and all you might need for your Zen zone is just a few fluffy pillows and one or two candles. A Zen zone is entirely relative and is solely based on what helps you to relax.

Find your happy colours.

Colour is the ultimate mood shifter so never underestimate the power of it in your home. Think about the colours that draw you in. Below, are the three major players in the ‘’mood-boosting’’ game and it’s easy to see why.

• Yellow is pure sunlight. It has the ability to raise energy levels and boost your mood. It is best used in studies/home offices as it stimulates the left side of the brain, therefore helping with logic, judgement and reasoning.

• Green is the balance. It is the colour of nature and our eyes don’t need to adjust to it so it can help foster contentment and calm. It is best used in living rooms to ease stress and overload. It is also considered a deeply reassuring colour.

• Blue is the soother. This colour is used to calm the nervous system and like green, can relieve stress. Think about shades of blue and its ‘’cousins’’ i.e. soft indigo and gentle tones of violet for bedrooms and meditation spaces.

Given the busy lives we lead, home needs to be a place where we can feel relaxed. By following the above guidelines, you can turn your home into a space of tranquillity and peace – both of which are needed during this time.

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