
How to get your home ready for spring

Private Property South Africa
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How to get your home ready for spring

Charles Dickens once said, ‘’spring is that time of the year when the sun feels like summer, and shade feels like winter – all at once’’.

The recent wave of unusually warm temperatures during July and August have allowed many of us to take advantage of balmy days and cool evenings, but spring has not officially sprung. Our dams are almost at full capacity, which comes as welcomed news before the new season starts. Since the official start of spring is still a few weeks away, we have plenty of time to get our homes ready for the new season.

The newness and freshness of spring are inspiring and can be just what we need to tackle our home’s biggest, most daunting to-dos, says Mike Greeff, CEO of Greeff Christie’s International Real Estate. This is also the perfect time of year to make sure everything around your home is in working order and looking fresh.

Below are tips on how to refresh your home in time for spring.

Add some colour

Nothing revitalises a room more than a pop of colour and there are so many ways to incorporate your favourite shades without breaking the bank.

• Spring flowers may not be in bloom yet, but when they are, simply snip a few off and display in your home.

• Add a few new cushions in colours that are trending, or even a rug to add pattern and colour and bring a dull room to life.

Get gardening

If you’re into gardening, then you would surely be excited about spring, it is after all the season of bloom and bewitching colours. Instead of planting regular flowers, try growing seasonal fruits, vegetables and herbs in your yard. This way your garden is both functional and fabulous.

Seasonal foliage suggestions:

• Fruits: avocado, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries

• Vegetables: lettuce, spinach, carrots, radishes, cabbage

• Herbs: mint, rosemary, coriander, sage, thyme

Experiment with the Placement of Home Décor

Furniture does not have to stay in the same place all the time, unless they’re nailed to the ground of course. Moving furniture around does wonders for your transformation and it gives the room an entirely fresh look, without having to buy any new items – it’s a win win.

Declutter and Organize

This applies to all the rooms in the house. Once the winter is over, declutter your rooms, and throw away things that you know you won’t need again. Once you know what you’re keeping and what you’re tossing, organise everything by storing them into different boxes, and label them accordingly This should be able to help you find things in the future, without much hassle.

Your Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

• Windows: After the winter weather, your windows probably need a little TLC. All you need is a squeegee, a soft cloth and a bucket that’s equal parts hot water and white vinegar. Use the cloth to gently wipe away grime, then squeegee your windows clean and sparkling.

• Gutters: Winter takes its toll on the plant life around your house, and that’s bad news for your gutters. Use the spring season as a reminder to clear fallen leaves and other debris from your gutters.

• Woodcare: Again, winter’s cold and moisture can be hard on exterior woodwork like patios and railings. This is the perfect time of year to power wash and reseal all of your home’s wooden fixtures so you can enjoy clean, beautiful wood. While you’re at it, look for any signs of wood damage so you can repair them before they become a safety hazard.

Even though it isn't spring yet, it's a great time to take advantage of the warmer weather and give your home a top-to-bottom clean-up.

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