Lifestyle and Decor

Tips for a mini home revamp

Private Property South Africa
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Tips for a mini home revamp

If you’re looking to spruce up your home without breaking the bank, these quick and easy tips will help.

It’s a New Year, a New you and for some a New home! If however you are longing for change without moving house, you can follow the below easy tips from Steve van Wyk, Seeff’s MD in Centurion for a quick, yet effective mini home revamp!

Out with the old (but not necessarily in with the new!)

Minimalists are generally very happy individuals because less stuff equals more space and less stress. You don’t necessarily need everything that you own, but someone else might. Take some heavy duty black bags and throw out everything that you haven’t used in the past six months – be ruthless! Then donate, donate, donate! You’d be surprised how little you actually need and chances are you’ve just made someone’s day.

Repair things that are broken – nothing is too small!

Repair things as they break through wear and tear and you’ll never have that feeling of being overwhelmed. Whether you are planning to sell your home in future or not, there is no better feeling than living in a home that doesn’t require any minor repairs.

Paint, Paint, Paint:

A pot of paint is probably one of the easiest and most affordable ways to transform your house and lift your spirits. Do proper research and choose colours that you won’t regret choosing later. Even if you don’t decide to change the colour a fresh coat of paint of the same shade will also be an instant improvement!

Move your existing furniture around:

A change is as good as a holiday. Move your furniture is such a way that you create the most space and ensure you optimise all the natural light.

Clean walls, carpets, floors and curtains/blinds:

Give these a good clean on the weekend and thank me later!

One room at a time:

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Choose one room every week and keep your focus there before moving along. This will afford you with the feeling of a job well done and you’ll look forward to the next room.

DIY or ask a creative friend to help:

The internet has many tips on being creative on a budget. You can make your own lamp shades, refurbish your old furniture and even make tables from old suitcases or window shutters.


Probably one of the biggest trends of the decade and rightly so. You can go wild without being worried about it being permanent. If you don’t want to stick wallpaper to the wall as such there are many other options like sticking it to a dresser etc.

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