Lifestyle and Decor

Is your garden too small for your dogs?

Private Property South Africa
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Is your garden too small for your dogs?

3 warning signs that your garden isn't big enough for your dogs

The average size of full title stands is shrinking at a much larger rate than the average size of buildings, which means that homeowners are more willing to compromise on garden space than they are on living space. With the average size of backyard space shrinking, Regional Director and CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa, Adrian Goslett, therefore advises homeowners to plan wisely before introducing a dog into their home.

“It is becoming increasingly difficult to find properties with a large back garden. Pet owners with large or active breeds ought to factor this into their search criteria when hunting for a new home. If your property does not have a particularly large garden, then you ought to be taking your dog out for some regular exercise. If you do have a small garden, it is usually better to work from home if you can, as dogs tend to get anxious when their owner is away for long periods of time. This anxiety only worsens if they do not have enough garden space in which to run out their frustrations,” Goslett advises.

Luckily, there are a few ways to spot if a dog is feeling frustrated by the limited outdoor space. Below, RE/MAX of Southern Africa share some tips with homeowners on how to tell whether it’s time to find a home with a bigger backyard:

Warning Sign 1: Noise complaints from neighbours

An unhappy dog will make sure its frustrations are heard by anyone willing to listen by barking excessively throughout the day. If you’ve received noise complaints from your neighbours, then it might be a sign that your dog might be feeling a little caged in by your backyard.

Warning Sign 2: Digging up the garden

Your dog will need to get its energy out some way or the other. If it cannot run through your garden, then it will use its energy to dig up your flowerbeds, tear your washing off the line, and chew through your outdoor furniture. If your dog isn’t responding to training against these sorts of bad behaviour, then it might be a sign that your property is too small for your dog.

Warning Sign 3: Excessively energetic greetings

While dogs are man’s best friend, there is a difference between being happy to see you and trying to make sure you never leave again. If your dog is excessively hyperactive when you arrive home after a long day at work, follows you around like a shadow, and overreacts by yelping and jumping up on you whenever you try to leave the house, then this might be another sign that your pet is not happy with your current living arrangements.

“Responsible pet owners should never neglect the wellbeing of their animals when searching for a new home. If you notice that your pet is unhappy in your current home, reach out to a real estate advisor and start the process of finding a new home that is more suitable to the wellbeing of your pet,” Goslett concludes.

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