Lifestyle and Decor

Dos and don’ts of bathroom design & renovation

Private Property South Africa
Jackie Gray-Parker |
Dos and don’ts of bathroom design & renovation

Times have changed and many of us live fast paced lives where real downtime is rare. As such, it’s important to make the most of the time we do have to ourselves.

This doesn’t necessarily entail taking a holiday or visiting a spa. Indeed, you can make the most of your surroundings and create relaxing spaces within your own home. Your bathroom is just one such space.

The bathroom is so much more than just a place to cleanse and prepare for the day. With a little effort and forethought, it can become a veritable haven within which to recharge, wind down and create some much needed balance away from the demands of contemporary living. What’s more is that akin to a kitchen, an appealing, up-to date bathroom design can add real value to a home.

With this in mind, it will probably become apparent that your bathroom could do with an overhaul of sorts. The extent to which you choose to renovate your bathroom is of course entirely up to you and depends on your budget.

Whatever the case, there are a few basic principles to keep in mind when renovating a bathroom.

Bathroom Design & Renovation Tips

• Plan well in advance and use professionals.
This is arguably the most important principle behind a successful bathroom renovation. Tile specialists such as Tile Africa which offers an ‘Idea Hub’ can assist in this regard. Using professionals should also prevent you from making costly mistakes and making impulse purchases

• Storage plays an important role in the bathroom, particularly in homes with large families where laundry and clutter can quickly pile up.
Nowadays storage can be incorporated in a variety of clever, practical and appealing ways. Think large vanities, elegant cabinets and Tall Boy cupboards, all of which should be planned for accordingly in your renovation plans

• Try to protect the rest of your house as far as possible while renovations are underway. Renovations by nature tend to be messy and can take their toll on your house and belongings. Cover your furniture, close off other rooms and designate a set entrance and path construction workers can use during the process. It also helps to try and remain patient while renovation work is being carried out. Just remember you are investing in your wellbeing and your home

• Consider incorporating elements such as underfloor heating and heated towel rails. It’s difficult to retrofit a bathroom with such elements at a later stage. Although initially more expensive, such additions can add a luxurious touch to your bathroom and make a real difference to your downtime, especially during winter

• Add a 10% buffer to your budget. Inevitably there are cost overruns which aren’t planned for and which can prevent you from realising your dream bathroom

• If your bathroom is spacious and you can afford it, incorporate a small chandelier or other beautiful lights and replace the existing bath with a spa bath or elegant free-standing victorian bath. If price and space are an issue, there are various all-in-one corner units available which can easily be incorporated into bathrooms with style

• Simple is usually better, and better from a property re-sale perspective too. Although important to create a bathroom that reflects your personal taste and promotes a sense of well-being, keep in mind that you will probably want to sell your house one day. As such, try to keep things fairly neutral and use materials that won’t date quickly. You can always incorporate more of your own personality in the form of removable mirrors, vases, towels, mats and candles

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