Lifestyle and Decor

Bathroom trends to look out for in 2019

Private Property South Africa
Anne Roselt |
Bathroom trends to look out for in 2019

No longer considered just a functional space, more and more bathrooms are being designed as a living space and just like other rooms in the home, they are subject to fashion and design trends. As we start and end each day in the bathroom, the colours, textures and patterns we choose are perhaps even more important as they have a strong influence on how we feel.

A beautiful bathroom is an investment that will add value to your home. Reconstructing a bathroom should be carefully considered as this is usually only done every 15 - 20 years. With this in mind, selecting high ticket items that will last over time is key. However, it is not necessary to renovate your entire bathroom to stay on trend, a few minor changes can give a bathroom a fresh new look without too much expense or effort.

If you are re-doing your bathroom or just in need of an update, here is some inspiration:

Shades of Coral


Soft peach tones are taking over from Millennial Pink and these cosmetic shades work beautifully on all skin types. If you are looking for a trendy colour that will give your skin a healthy-looking glow, even when you are feeling blue, then painting your bathroom in a soft shade of peach will do the trick. Pair it with brass or white taps for a soft look.
For a more dramatic, edgy look pair it with black taps and accessories. Tints and shades of orange are sure to grow in popularity as Pantone named Living Coral the colour of the year for 2019. For more on Living Coral see "10 Reasons to Love Living Coral - Pantone's 2019 Colour of the Year ".

Shades of Green

altTextImage: C.P Hart - Plisse Collection by Artlinea

A contemporary black and white bathroom is more relaxing and calm with the addition of green. Green links us to nature, it is calming and stress relieving. This C.P. Hart bathroom uses this trend in the perfect way.

Shades of Blue


Blues link us to the ocean and are perfect to create a calm and relaxing mood. Moody dark blue is a contemporary shade for the bathroom. It looks great with metallic accessories and white highlights which will inject some light and bounce it around. Hexagon tile shapes remain a strong trend. Another blue popular in the bathroom is turquoise, it is more revitalizing and gives an invigorating and refreshing feel to a bathroom.

Warm Metallics


Warm metallics continue to dominate the world of interiors. Brushed brass is particularly fashionable and can be seen on basins, taps and accessories. Versatile metallics work well with contemporary as well as classic bathrooms, dark colours as well as pastels.

Material Contrasts

altTextImage: Alfredo Haberli

Contrasting materials is a big trend and adds tactility and interest to the bathroom. In this example the contrast of sleek marble with raw wood creates an elegant and clean feel. The wood adds warmth and a tactility.


altTextImage: British Ceramic Tile

Geometric patterns create interest and give a bathroom a contemporary feel. Be sure not to overdo it, as too much can become overpowering. Balance with plain white and add natural green images which will create a wonderful sanctuary to escape too.

Freestanding Baths


The bathtub is no longer just a functional element, instead it can make a design statement. Freestanding baths add a sense of grandeur to a bathroom and are very fashionable right now. They are being seen in a number of trendy colours. It is great to have a showstopper in your bathroom and a freestanding bath is a showstopper. If a freestanding bath is not possible, introduce another show-stopping feature like a huge mirror, mural or artwork.

Read more: Make your bathroom child-friendly

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