An exciting new release during October was our Featured Listing product. We have gone back to the KISS principle on this one (Keep It Simple Stupid), stripping out all the rules and complications. This is an easy-to-use ranking-beater for when you really need to highlight a property. is unique in the property advertising landscape for one key reason: we score listings based on quality of content. This browser-centric approach attempts to surface great quality property content to the hundreds of thousands of buyers on the site. Our ranking system rewards listings for having enhanced visuals like virtual tours and videos, and for those tough-to-find but valuable pieces of information like rates or floor area. But we know that sometimes even the best content isn’t enough, you want to make sure your listing is seen first and seen often. Featured Listing is exactly that, a shortcut to the top of the list results. This means for those extra special properties you now have a way to really show them off.
Not only have we added a great new advertising product but we have also given you a simple to use interface to manage which of your listings get featured. A Featured Listing is actually a premium slot on our system, which means that you can use that slot to feature any of your properties at any time. If you don’t have the time to do the stocking then we’ll automatically stock the slot with your best quality listing ensuring you always get the maximum marketing value.
Be seen first, be seen often.