Agent Advice

Estate agent headshots - dos and don'ts

Private Property South Africa
Tahir Desai |
Estate agent headshots - dos and don'ts

Estate Agent Headshots – Dos and Don’ts

The vast majority of real estate clients start their property search online, so how you portray yourself to this audience is crucial to your success.

A good quality photo is an important marketing tool that allows you to make a good first impression on potential clients and stand out from the competition.

You therefore want to use a photo that shows you as the professional, honest, competent estate agent that you are.


Update your photo

Ditch the photo that you’ve been using for the last 10 years and update it with a new one. You don’t want someone to meet you and go “You look nothing like your photo”.

Use a professional photographer

Selfies are great for Facebook but not for your agent headshot. Use a professional photographer to take a well-lit, nicely composed photo of you. If that’s not possible get a friend or colleague to take a photo of you with a good quality camera.

Use an appropriate location

Take a photograph that works with your branding or speciality. If you sell beachfront property take a photograph that has the beach in the background. If you work in a particular suburb, take a photo in front of a popular landmark in the area. If none of those work, choose a solid background with one light colour.

Get Electronic versions

You’re probably going to use the photo on your website, on property portals like Private Property or on social media so you’ll need one in a format you can use online. Don’t try and scan an existing photograph – the quality will be terrible.

Wear Clothing that you’re comfortable in

If you’re not a suit person, don’t wear a suit in your photo. How comfortable (or not comfortable) you are in your clothing will come through in the photographs.


Use props

Using props like telephones, golf clubs, for sale signs or wine glasses are all big no-nos. They just come across as amateurish. Stick with a simple, well lit photo that conveys your professionalism.

Abuse Photoshop

Touching up your photo slightly is acceptable. Going crazy with the Photoshop to the extent that you’re unrecognisable is not.

Include or use your pet, children or spouse

This is too much information for your clients. Your kids may be cute and your dog may be a best in show winner but your customers are not interested in that. They want to see the professional person that you are at work. Stick to a photo of you by yourself.

To see a selection of the type of photos you should be avoiding, click here.

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