Property To Rent in Tshepisong

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Unfortunately, the listing with ref RR3133686 is no longer available. But don't worry, we've found some more great listings in the same area for you to explore.
Studio Apartment
R 1 200
Studio ApartmentTshepisong
Rooms for rental in tshepisong west mnandini block 2 a beautifully built block of rooms for rental in tshepisong west block 2. Small ...

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Soweto Property News

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Take a night out to stay in the heart of Soweto.

Private Property: Soweto Neighbourhood

Private Property CEO, Simon Bray, chats about the Soweto Neighbourhood and its property market.

Soweto - Burgeoning Market

Private Property recently launched its first franchise office in Soweto, headed by Tshepo Masitenyane.

Spotlight on Soweto

History, accessibility and a unique energy are just a few reasons why Soweto’s people are proud to call it home.

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Featured Neighbourhood
Soweto is a lot bigger than one would envision from a map, and also offers a lot more than meets the eye. The general atmosphere is very welcoming and people are very neighbourly, with a strong sense of community. Soweto has come a long way in the last 20 years, with the improved and expanded ...
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