3 Bed House in New Woodlands
Here is any income generating opportunity. The property has the main house in front and 4 decently sized bachelor flats at the back. An excellent opportunity to get a property with mega potential, to make a home for a loving family or for rental business with a certain return on investment.
The main house has been converted to 3 units. The 3 units consist of the main house which has 3 bedrooms, a lounge, a kitchen and bathroom. The second unit is a 2 bedroom with a lounge, kitchen and bathroom. The third unit is a 1 bedroom with a lounge, kitchen and bathroom. Outside the backyard are 2 extra Nutec units. The first Nutec unit is a 2 bedroom with a lounge, kitchen and shower and the second Nutec unit is a 1 bedroom with bathroom and mini kitchen. The driveways is part of the property. Each apartment comes with its own separate entrance. Each apartment has its own bathroom and mini kitchen. The bathroom has a shower, sink basin and toilet.
Please note that the rent hasnt gone up for almost 2 years, meaning there is potential to increase the rent for each unit.
Monthly Rental Income Generated
3 Bedroom Main House = R5 000/m
2 Bedroom unit 1 = R4 500/m
1 Bedroom unit = R3 500/m
1 Bedroom Nutec Unit 1 = R2 800/m
1 Bedroom Nutec Unit 2 = R2 500/m
Situated very close to amenities such as schools, shopping centre and main road.
Kindly call me, email me or WhatsApp me to arrange for a viewing.
Property details
- Listing number T4830683
- Property type House
- Listing date 18 Oct 2024
- Land size 391 m²
Property features
- Bedrooms 3
- Bathrooms 2
- Open parking 1
- Flatlets
- Pet friendly
- Study
- Kitchen