Property For Sale in Morgenzon

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Unfortunately, the listing with ref T4720245 is no longer available. But don't worry, we've found some more great listings in the same area for you to explore.
1 497 m² Land
R 299 000
1 497 m² LandBethal
Bethal167 Schlosberg Avenue
1 497 m²
Zoned for business use, this is an ideal location to invest in. Call today for more information or bond pre-approval.
Elmarie Davies

1 207 m² Land
R 410 000
1 207 m² LandBethal
1 207 m²
Are you searching for the perfect plot of land to build your dream home or establish your business? Look no further than this ...
Mildred Phophi

1 000 m² Land
R 280 000
1 000 m² LandBethal
1 000 m²
Stunning vacant land in soretta park bethal build your own dream home today. Land is 1000m2 call today for more information.

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