Property For Sale in Nazareth
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R 150 000
454 m² LandMariannhill Park
454 m²
Vacant land for sale in mpola
calling all developers and investors!
vacant land available in the mpola marianhill area. Land that ...

R 450 000
2 Bed HouseMariannhill Park
69 m²
Attractive family home situated on acorn road in close proximity to shopping centers, schools and petrol stations and churches.
the ...

R 300 000
4 Bed HouseMariannhill Park
Attention cash buyers
incomplete 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house for sale very big yard which can be sub divided into 2 site
this ...

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Be the first to see new properties for sale in the Mariannhill Park area.Pinetown Property News

Pinetown Bowls Investors Over
Pinetown lies between Kloof and Westville and is nestled at the foot of Fields Hill - an area made famous by the Comrades Marathon. The area today is a predominantly light commercial and industrial town and with easy access to ...Area Review: Good Value in Middle Market Pinetown
Pinetown is one of Durban’s oldest suburbs and among the most popular too.John Wesley School
The John Wesley (then Junior Primary) School opened its doors to provide the first three years/grades of formal education in 1989 in the basement of the Pinetown Methodist Church. The Pinetown Methodist Church had built premises ...Switch to
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