11 Bed House in Heatherdale AH
Small holding Property for sale with lots to offer in Heatherdale, this property is situated next to all amenities, in a good geographical location, from the best schools to great , golf course and easy access to all the highways around Pretoria North precinct.
The most reliable way to generate income over the long term is to purchase a property like this one, live the farm life in Heatherdale because you can grow your own organic vegetables.
Property has it all, two houses, main house comprise of 5 bedrooms almost all en-suite, second house with 3 all en-suite bedrooms, flat with its own kitchen, dining room and a full bathroom.
There is nothing like acquiring a property that will make you stay at home for real an eternal comfort. This is an entertainment piece of land not to miss, ready to occupy, just bring yourself as soon as possible.
The property consists of the following,
-Main house, 5 bedrooms with main en-suite and one extra bathroom.
-Kitchen, with granite tops
-Breakfast nook
-Dining room
-Study room
-Linen cupboards
2nd House consists of the following
-3 bedrooms all en-suite
-Farmhouse kitchen with granite tops
-Entertainment area within the house with built in braai with Bar
3rd house consists of
-2 bedroom with joint en-suite
-Full bathroom
-Kitchenette with laminated tops
-Dining room
Servants quarters with two rooms
- 5 ecotanks
-Big Lapa to host guests overlooking the swimming pool
-Double garage with parking for 10 cars
-Security all around with electric fence
-Landscaped garden
Property details
- Listing number T4053901
- Property type House
- Listing date 17 Feb 2023
- Land size 1 ha
- Rates and taxes R 3 000
Property features
- Bedrooms 11
- Bathrooms 7
- Lounges 1
- Dining areas 1
- Garage parking 2
- Flatlets
- Alarm
- Laundry
- Patio
- Pool
- Staff quarters
- Study
- Tv
- Entrance hall
- Garden
- Pantry
- Electric fencing
- Fireplace
- Built In braai
- Lapa