Property For Sale in Bosmont

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Northcliff Property News

Spotlight on Northcliff

The suburb of Northcliff provides one of the best views of Joburg, but it is much more than just a pretty face.

Northcliff area and property guide

It’s hard to believe that this genteel, established neighbourhood was once farmland.

Northcliff area and property guide

Find out what life is like in Northcliff, and what the property market is doing in this area.

Northcliff - A View from the Top

Northcliff, that pinnacle of achievement, when you know you have arrived because you have a view of the entire north of Johannesburg, and beyond, from the ridge that features the highest point in Johannesburg. Unlike the suburbs ...

Image of Northcliff
Featured Neighbourhood
Northcliff is one of the older, more established areas in Johannesburg. It is highly sought-after by those looking for a tranquil and exclusive lifestyle. The properties on Northcliff Hill have large grounds with well established park-like gardens. Newer developments in the extensions to the West ...
Learn more about Northcliff