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Hermanus Property News

Living In Hermanus

The Hermanus lifestyle can be summarised in simple terms: you want to live in Hermanus. Here’s why your next home should be there.

The call to Hermanus

You can’t help wondering if the Whale Crier hasn’t called more than whales to the historic fishing village of Hermanus.

Hermanus area and property guide

Charming Hermanus offers a coastal lifestyle and a host of activities and events for both permanent residents and visitors.

Business as usual in Hermanus, despite protests

The property market in Hermanus remains buoyant, despite recent protests that have taken place in surrounding areas. A historic property in the area sold for a record R35m.

Image of Hermanus
Featured Neighbourhood
Between the rocky coastline and the green mountains lies "the village", as it is referred to by the locals. The residents of Hermanus have tried to keep the fisherman's village style of this town in tact, over the years. This neighbourhood is famous for Southern Right Whale watching during winter ...
Learn more about Hermanus