Building and Renovation

When it comes to property insights, Private Property doesn’t stop at the structural and financial aspects but extends to the interior as well. In the dynamic Lifestyle and Décor section, visitors get a colourful glimpse of the interior trends, landscaping solutions, home living and neighbourhood news. Here’s a look at the categories you can find in Lifestyle and Décor:

Property Advice

Spring has sprung

Where this tradition started, and how to go about doing it best.

Lifestyle and Decor

Finding The Right Builder

Advice and tips on finding the best building contractors or home repair contractors who will give you honest help. How to find a good contractor.

Property Advice

10 Things To Think About Before You Start House Hunting

When you decide to start looking for a property, you’ll be overwhelmed by the different property types, locations, prices and conditions. By using this checklist from Kevin Mountjoy, national sales manager atooba, South Africa’s ...

Property Advice

10 Things To Think About Before You Start House Hunting

When you decide to start looking for a property, you’ll be overwhelmed by the different property types, locations, prices and conditions. By using this checklist from Kevin Mountjoy, national sales manager at ooba, South ...

Property Advice

Buy to renovate

If you are serious about making money out of property and you have the time and perseverance to check on site work in progress daily, you should consider buying to renovate.

Property Advice

Buy To Let Investors Slacking in Maintenance

While buy to let is a welcome trend, it can lead to problems, says Bill Rawson, Chairman of the Rawson Property Group.

Property Advice

Buy To Renovate

If you are serious about making money out of property and you have the time and perseverance to check on site work in progress daily, you should consider buying to renovate.

Property Advice

The dangers of mould in your home

Mould in your home is more than a nuisance, With over 10,000 mould species, some of which are quite harmful, it is best that is removed as soon as possible.

Property Advice

The Risks of Unapproved Building Plans

Estate agents have warned agents and home buyers about the perils of buying a property where alterations and additions have not been approved by the local municipality.

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