After an exciting home renovation project, Private Property’s first-ever apartment is back on the market – all spruced up and ready for its new owners.
The property industry is led by capable men and women who provide much needed leadership. How much are women contributing in this regard?
A property franchise is a viable property investment avenue which offers immense returns. How can you be successful in this area of business?
Women have continued to be integral players in the property sector with their purchasing power becoming very dominant. What are the factors behind this?
Statistics point to the fact that homeowner’s insurance claims go up by up to 97% during the rainy season. How can you protect your home?
The SA economy and the property market have not yet fully recovered from the Covid-19 lockdown dip.
The Absa’s Homeowner Sentiment Index Q2 (HSI) has highlighted some serious concerns which have been precipitated by acts of violence and destruction to property.
The vetting process is critical in the process of approving new tenants. How should this be done?
Securing your possessions is of prime importance when moving. Where can someone get free moving boxes in South Africa?