Given the fact that property should be viewed as a long term investment, it is essential for potential buyers to choose the right home that works for them and their lifestyle.
If you can afford to pay cash for a property, are there any good reasons why it might be wise to take out a mortgage bond on it?
Although it has been said before, it is worth reporting that all his recent experience confirms that the rental returns on low priced residential homes, are not only generally better than those ...
Tenants come in all shapes and sizes and there isn't that much out there as to how to keep a good tenant happy.
Many of the younger generation buyers are focusing on their careers and in turn getting married later on in life compared to their counterparts within older generations..
How real estate commissions work, and how the property market affects it.
While purchasing a new home is definitely an exciting time for many first-time buyers, there are a number of new responsibilities that come along with the title.
In recent months there has been a marked increase in the number of people buying into multiple unit developments - as investments.