Those whose job it is to encourage investors to take the plunge and move into buy-to-let property inevitably have to rely heavily on property analyst statements..
A small-town feel combined with all the amenities of a much bigger place, make Ballito one of KZN's most rapidly developing areas.
South African home owners who were paying off mortgage bonds in 1984 and 1998 still recall with dismay how interest rates at that time rose to 25% and 24% ..
This Kwazulu Natal midlands town is drawing buyers in droves who are attracted to its rural village lifestyle, top-rate schools, low crime levels and the myriad activities on offer.
Advice to landlords has in the last few years been particularly prolific and has definitely contributed to the growing interest in property as an investment.
Repeated statements by the Rawson Property Group’s management to the effect that now is the right time to buy a home were backed up recently by the group’s Chairman..
What are the elements that today’s homebuyers look for when purchasing a property?
We have all heard the experts citing the importance of the location of a property. In fact, they place so much emphasis on this that they often repeat the word three times.
While finding the ideal home may sound like a relatively easy process, it may take a little more time and effort than buyers expect, especially if it’s not handled in the correct manner.