Denoon Sampson Ndlovu Inc

Turbo-Charge Your Property Transfer!


We have the reputation of consistently having the fastest turnaround time for Bond and Property Transfer Registrations. We are based in Sandton and are on the panel of the four Major Banks.

Our reputation is based on innovation and long-term stability, and is highly respected by the leading players in the industry.

It is possible to register a property transfer in the amazing time of just one month!

Unit 20 Epsom Downs was transferred by the Deeds Office in just 23 business days.

  • The seller was paid out his selling price on the 24th day.
  • Surprisingly, this particular transaction also included a bond, which was granted on the 8th day.

We have re-engineered our conveyancing process, fully compliant with the Deeds Registries Act and the Law Society, to guarantee that your transfer will be registered; potentially 3 times faster than normal.

The following ultra fast transfers are now recorded in the Deeds Office for all to verify.

 Unit 20 Epsom Downs  - 23 business days – Pretoria Deeds Office

 Unit 5 Hampstead Court - 31 business days - Pretoria Deeds Office

 Erf 360 Norwood - 31 business days - Johannesburg Deeds Office


 As long as our protocol is fully implemented, you will be assured of an ultra fast Deeds Office registration.

To find out how we can “turbo-charge” your transaction into the Deeds Office, contact:

Denoon Sampson   082 775 8484 (

Andrew Smith           083 286 0663 (

Natalie Shephard    082 968 3380 (

Justin Ndlovu           082 827 9762 (


Please visit our website for more information:


Our Location
1st Floor, Sandown House Cnr 5th Street 73726 Norwich Close Sandton
Contact Us