South Africa

There is nothing stagnant about the property industry and Private Property will keep you in the loop through its dedicated Property News portal. Important elements such as whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ market, industry trends, and property news specific to South Africa are covered in this section.

Choosing a bed: The ultimate guide to your best night’s sleep!
Lifestyle and Decor

Choosing a bed: The ultimate guide to your best night’s sleep!

In a sea of choice, how do you choose the mattress that is right for you?

 New Property Act comes into effect on 1st February

New Property Act comes into effect on 1st February

The new Property Practitioner’s Act 2019 will come into effect on 1st February. What does it contain?

Struggling schools see new success in recovering school fees

Struggling schools see new success in recovering school fees

Schools have been battling with schools fees debt levels. What's currently prevailing?

5 Essential Finance Tips for The New Year
Property Advice

5 Essential Finance Tips for The New Year

Here are five key pieces of advice to consider for the new year

Ways to resolve neighbour disputes
Property Advice

Ways to resolve neighbour disputes

Homeowners can select their home, but they cannot select their neighbours.

December budgets need careful management
Property Advice

December budgets need careful management

Financial wellbeing must be a priority during this holiday season. How should this be achieved?

The art of house hunting: How to find the house of your dreams on a budget
Property Advice

The art of house hunting: How to find the house of your dreams on a budget

House hunting can be a difficult undertaking especially with limited finances. How can you find a dream house with limited finances?

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement good for the property market

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement good for the property market

South Africa’s Finance Minister presented his maiden Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, which by and large places emphasis on building confidence and stimulating growth.

Is  ‘pre-approved bond/home loan’ a misnomer?
Property Advice

Is ‘pre-approved bond/home loan’ a misnomer?

Pre-approved is often a contentious term during property acquisition processes. What is the correct interpretation and application of this term?

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